Monday, May 16, 2011

WHEREAS, to appreciate the uniqueness of individuals, we should learn about the ideas, feelings, desires, needs, and habits of those who inhabit our society , and

WHEREAS, to have a positive effect on the lives of others in society, we should be conscious of the ways in which our words and deeds impact them, and

WHEREAS, to contribute to the overall happiness of others, we should think about individuals with whom we interact, and how our interactions with them affects them and their enjoyment of life, and

WHEREAS, to raise functional human beings, we should reflect on our role as models and on how we raise children, and

WHEREAS, to be mindful of inequalities, we should be aware of economic and social structures that are responsible for them, and

WHEREAS, to understand behavior of individuals, we should be aware of the conditions under which they live, and

WHEREAS, to be critical thinkers, we should question how knowledge about our world is created, (ours as well as others) assumptions, and claims of absolute truths, and

WHEREAS, humanistic awareness will help us focus upon each human being’s uniqueness as a thinking and feeling being, critically examine our assumptions so that we can look beyond stereotypes and  prejudices, and help us become more empathetic, compassionate, and responsible members of the human community

NOW, THEREFORE, I [name, title] hereby proclaim [day of week], the [#th] day of [month], 201x a


and I encourage all citizens, residents and visitors to join in observing this day and working towards a more peaceful, egalitarian, secular, cooperative, inclusive, and democratic society, where everyone has an equal right to a good life.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and cause the Seal of [government] to be herein affixed.